Functional Fitness Chart Kits - Secondary Series (9-12)

40 charts in each kit.

4 new kits. 160 new exercises. The possibilities are endless.

The charts are designed for clarity, accuracy, and simplicity.

Developing confident, competent movers has never been easier.

Developing confident, competant movers.

The charts are designed to enhance functional movement patterns.

The Functional Fitness Chart Secondary series is designed to develop functional movement patterns in a safe way. Students will learn correct movement patterns that will allow them to build the confidence they need to develop into active, healthy adults. Whether it's Phys-Ed class, intramurals, or sports teams, students who train with the Charts will build the confidence and competence they need to succeed.

"This fitness package has been well thought out with functional exercises to enhance fitness, ability, and health, while minimizing injury risk among our Canadian students."

~ Dr. Stuart McGill, Professor of Spine Biomechanics, University of Waterloo

Comprehensive teacher's manual included.

Each elementary kit comes with a comprehensive, 64-page teacher's manual that includes all the information you need to infuse the Fitness Charts into your program. From games and activities to assessment and evaluation rubrics, the manual provides all the information you need to get the Charts started in your school. Each exercise also has a one-page Chart Overview which details the exercise rationale, execution, progression/differentiation, and safety tips.

Large-Format Charts

Each chart measures 19.25" x 13". They're easy to see and read.


Each chart is laminated with heavy-duty 5-mil lamination.
This will make sure that your charts will endure the rigours
of a school environment. Whether they're outside in the field,
on the floor in the hallway, or on the wall in your classroom,
these charts are built to last!