1. The Policy Agenda of Native Peoples from World War II to the 1969 White Paper
2. History, the Courts and Treaty Policy: Lessons from Marshall and Nisga’a
3. Measuring the Well-Being of Aboriginal People: An Application of the United Nations Human Development Index to Registered Indians in Canada, 1981–2001
4. Income and First Nations Elderly: Policies for a Better Future
5. Reporting Métis in Urban Centres on the 1996 Census
6. Housing Discrimination among a Sample of Aboriginal People in Winnipeg and Thompson, Manitoba
7. An Examination of Educational Success
8. Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education and Labour Market Outcomes in Canada, 1996
9. Education and Lifetime Income for Aboriginal People in Saskatchewan
10. Student Performance Data and Research Tools to Ensure Aboriginal Student Success
11. Educational Outcomes of Students Funded by the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada: Illustration of a Longitudinal Assessment with Potential Application to Policy Research
1. American Indian Tribes’ Financial Accountability to the United States Government: Context, Procedures and Implications
2. Situation de faible revenu de long terme des Autochtones hors réserve au Canada: Une étude sur les groupes à risque d’exclusion sociale - French
3. Aboriginal Development: The Process Is Critical to Success
4. A Framework for Aboriginal Health Systems
5. Transferring Whose Knowledge? Exchanging Whose Best Practices? On Knowing about Indigenous Knowledge and Aboriginal Suicide
6. Social Capital in First Nations Communities: Concept and Measurement
7. Matrimonial Real Property Issues On-Reserve
8. Urban Aboriginal Women in British Columbia and the Impacts of Matrimonial Real Property Regime
9. Aboriginal Single Mothers in Canada, 1996: A Statistical Profile
10. La fécondité des Indiennes à 15 à 19 ans, de 1986 à 1997 - French
11. Unstated Paternity: Estimates and Contributing Factors
12. Childhood Experiences of Aboriginal Offenders
13. Aboriginal Resource Access in Response to Criminal Victimization in an Urban Context
14. Aboriginal Sexual Offending in Canada: A Review of the Evidence
15. A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Hollow Water First Nation’s Community Holistic Healing Process
1. The Determinants of Employment Among Aboriginal Peoples
2. School Completion and Workforce Transitions among Urban Aboriginal Youth
3. Culture-sensitive Mathematics: The Walpole Island Experience
4. A New Approach to Understanding Aboriginal Educational Outcomes: The Role of Social Capital
5. Aboriginal Occupational Gap: Causes and Consequences
6. Responding to Climate Change in Nunavut: Policy Recommendations
7. Policies and Practices Affecting Aboriginal Fathers’ Involvement with their Children
8. Building Governance Capacity: The Case of Potable Water in First Nations Communities
9. A Glass Half Empty: Drinking Water in First Nations Communities
10. Inuit Research Comes to the Fore
11. Aboriginal Languages in Canada: Trends and Perspectives on Maintenance and Revitalization
12. Introduction to International Research - Internationalization
13. Natural Resource Management and Indigenous Well-being
14. Towards a Maori Statistics Framework
15. The Impact of Australian Policy Regimes on Indigenous Population Movement: Evidence from the 2001 Census
16. Indigenous People of Northern Siberia: Human Capital, Labour Market Participation, and Living Standards
1. Exploring Indigenous Concepts of Health: The Dimensions of Métis and Inuit Health
2. Aboriginal Participation in Health Planning: Representation, Reconciliation, and Relationship- Building with an Aboriginal Advisory Committee
3. The Transition from the Historical Inuit Suicide Pattern to the Present Inuit Suicide Pattern
4. A Regional Model for Ethical Engagement: The First Nations Research Ethics Committee on Manitoulin Island
5. Healing Historic Trauma: A Report From The Aboriginal Healing Foundation
6. A Cultural Approach to Aboriginal Youth Sport and Recreation: Observations from Year One
7. The Reconstruction of Inuit Collective Identity: From Cultural to Civic The Case of Nunavut
8. Perceptions of Implementation: Treaty Signatory Views of Treaty Implementation
9. Inuit Women Reach a Deadlock in the Canadian Political Arena: A Phenomenon Grounded in the Iglu
10. Organizing Indigenous Governance in Canada, Australia, and the United States
11. Successful First Nations Policy Development: Delivering Sustainability, Accountability, and Innovation
12. Urban Hidden Homelessness and Reserve Housing
13. Aboriginal Mobility and Migration: Trends, Recent Patterns, and Implications: 1971–2001
14. A New Beginning: A National Non-Reserve Aboriginal Housing Strategy
15. A New Open Model Approach to Projecting Aboriginal Populations
16. Spatial Residential Patterns of Aboriginals and their Socio- economic Integration in Selected Canadian Cities
1. The Search for Consensus: A Legislative History of Bill C-31, 1969–1985
2. A Revisiting Histories of Legal Assimilation, Racialized Injustice, and the Future of Indian Status in Canada
3. A Study of Cultural Trauma
4. Impacts of the 1985 Indian Act Amendments: A Case Study of Brokenhead Ojibway Nation
5. Indian Registration, Membership, and Population Change in First Nations Communities
6. Indian Registration: Unrecognized and Unstated Paternity
7. Indian Status, Band Membership, First Nation Citizenship, Kinship, Gender, and Race: Reconsidering the Role of Federal Law
1. Using Data to Monitor Early Literacy Development
2. Support for First Nations Students: The Significance of the Aboriginal Resource Teacher’s Role
3. School Success and the Intergenerational Effect of Residential Schooling
4. Reflections of Indian Teacher Education Program Graduates: Considerations for Educational Policy and Research
5. Forging Partners, Opening Doors: Community School Case Studies from Manitoba and Saskatchewan
6. Building the First Nations E-Community
7. First Nations SchoolNet and the Migration of Broadband and Community-Based ICT Applications
8. Utilizing Technologies to Promote Education and Well-Being
9. Conflicting Ethics: Aboriginal Values and Religious Renaissance A Phenomenon Grounded in the Iglu
10. Mitákuye Owás’į (All My Relatives): Dakota Wiconi (Way of Life) and Wicozani Waste (Well-Being)
11. The Policy Implications of Revitalizing Traditional Aboriginal Religions
1. Aboriginal-Crown Treaty-Making in Canada: A Many-Splendoured Thing
2. Concepts of Extinguishment in the Upper Canada Land Surrender Treaties, 1764–1862
3. The Numbered Treaties and the Liberal Order Framework
4. Shading a Promise: Interpreting the Livelihood Rights Clauses in Nineteenth-Century Canadian Treaties with First Nations
5. The Treaty Annuity as Livelihood Assistance and Relationship Renewal
6. Treaty Implementation in Canada
7. First Nations Trade, Specialization, and Market Institutions: A Historical Survey of First Nation Market Culture
8. Reconciliation with Residential School Survivors: A Progress Report
9. A Brief History of Federal Inuit Policy Development: Lessons in Consultation and Cultural Competence
10. Are We Really Sorry? Some Reflections on Canadian Indigenous Policies in the Early Twenty-First Century
References Cited
1. Developing Legal Frameworks for Urban Aboriginal Governance
2. Indigenous Governance in Winnipeg and Ottawa: Making Space for Self-Determination
3. Measuring Progress, Strengthening Governance, and Promoting Positive Change: Developing Sustainability Indicators with Winnipeg’s Urban First Nations Community
4. Politiques sociales, identité et relations entre Autochtones et Québécois : le cas de la ville de Val-d’Or (Québec) - French
5. Thinking About Service Delivery: Aboriginal Providers, Universal Providers, and the Role of Friendship Centres
6. Politiques publiques et santé des Autochtones résidant en milieu urbain : l’autonomie gouvernementale, une condition de la redéfinition d’un partenariat équitable entre l’État et les Autochtones - French
7. Community Influences on the Mental Health of First Nations Children in Canada: Health Information and Research Division, Statistics Canada
8. Keeping the Circle Strong: Social Promotion through Community Networking to Strengthen Off-Reserve Child Welfare
9. Finding a Place for Race at the Policy Table: Broadening the Indigenous Education Discourse in Canada
10. Trafficking of Aboriginal Women and Girls in Canada
11. Incarceration and the Aboriginal Offender: Potential Impacts of the Tackling Violent Crime Act and the Corrections Review Panel Recommendations
12. Preventing Aboriginal Youth Gang Involvement in Canada: A Gendered Approach
1. Community Conditions as Factors of Health, Economic Outlook, and Mobility: Survey Data and Aboriginal People in Manitoba
2. Cervical Cancer Screening Strategies for Aboriginal Women
3. Contrasting Policies and Administration of Sexually Transmitted Infection Programs in Saskatchewan First Nations and Alaska Native Communities
4. Health Risk of the Walpole Island First Nation Community from Exposure to Environmental Contaminants: A Community-based Participatory Research Partnership
5. Examining the Association between Aboriginal Language Skills and Well-Being in First Nations Communities
6. Suicidality among Aboriginal Youth in the Non-Aboriginal Child Protection Services System
7. Adapting and Developing Educational Best Practices and Curricula for Aboriginal Tobacco Cessation Interventions
8. Aboriginal Health and Well-Being: The Paradox of Globalization
9. Towards the Adoption of a National Aboriginal Health Policy
10. Issues in the Recruitment and Retention of Aboriginal Health Research Participants in Canada
11. Scientific Certainty in a Time of Uncertainty: Predicting Vulnerability of Canada’s First Nations to the H1N1/09 Pandemic
12. Disproportionate and Unjustifiable: Teen First Nations Mothers and Unstated Paternity Policy
13. Research Findings, Policy Challenges, and Lessons Learned: The Native Women’s Association of Canada’s Sisters In Spirit Initiative
14. Domestic Sex Trafficking of Aboriginal Girls in Canada: Issues and Implications
15. The Social Determinants of Health: Defining a Research Agenda for Canada’s Urban Aboriginal Population
1. Explaining Aboriginal Turnout in Federal Elections: Evidence from Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba
2. Mapping the Legal Consciousness of First Nations Voters: Understanding Voting Rights Mobilization
3. In Praise of Taxes: The Link Between Taxation and Good Governance in a First Nations Context
4. Finding the Keys to Unlock Successful Aboriginal Community Governance: Case Studies of Three Aboriginal Councils in North Queensland, Australia
5. International Perspectives on First Nations Land Tenure Reform
6. Sortir des sentiers battus : repenser le rôle des universités dans le soutien à l’autonomie gouvernementale autochtone - French
7. Self-Government Agreements and Canadian Courts
8. Strategic Risks and Opportunities for First Nations Financial Institutions: Findings from a Market Demand Study
9. Reclaiming First Nations Research: The Keewaytinook Okimakanak Research Institute
10. Traditional Knowledge, Sustainable Forest Management, and Ethical Research Involving Aboriginal Peoples: An Aboriginal Scholar’s Perspective
11. Reconnaître, valoriser et transmettre : Les ateliers design et culture matérielle en territoire guarani (Brésil)—une pédagogie hybride entre art, artisanat et design pour le développement de vecteurs de transmission culturellement signifiants - French
12. Searching Together: A Model for Community-Driven Research in Remote First Nations
13. Sisters in Spirit Research Framework: Reflecting on Methodology and Process
1. Aboriginal Education: Current Crisis, Future Alternatives
2. A Short History of Aboriginal Education in Canada
3. Formal Educational Attainment of Inuit in Canada, 1981–2006
4. Métis Educational Attainment
5. University Attainment of the Registered Indian Population, 1981–2006: A Cohort Approach
6. Aboriginal Education: Current Crisis and Future Alternatives
7. Enhancing Educational Attainment for First Nations Children
8. Exploring the Influence of School and Community Relationships on the Performance of Aboriginal Students in British Columbia Public Schools
9. Churn Migration and Educational Attainment among Aboriginal Adolescents and Young Adults
10. First Nations Educational Success: Assessing Determinants Using a Social Context Lens
11. A New Approach to Understanding Aboriginal Educational Outcomes: The Role of Social Capital
12. Breaking the Gridlock in Aboriginal Education
13. Aboriginal Youth, Education, and Labour Market Outcomes
14. Some Estimates of Private and Social Benefits of Improving Educational Attainment Among Registered Indian Youth and Young Adults
1. Introduction: Aboriginal Well-Being
2. The Registered Indian Human Development Indices
3. The Registered Indian Human Development Index, 1981–2001
4. Using the UNDP Indices to Examine Gender Equality and Well-being
5. Aboriginal Well-Being in Four Countries
6. The Community Well-Being Index (CWB): Well-being in First Nations Communities, Present, Past, and Future
7. Applying the Community Well-Being Index and the Human Development Index to Inuit in Canada
8. Community Well-Being: A Comparable Communities Analysis
9. Assessing the Net Effects of Specific Claims Settlements in First Nations Communities in the Context of Community Well-Being
10. Well-Being in First Nation Communities
1. Selected Urban Aboriginal Demography
2. Mapping Methodology
3. The Educational Profile of People Living in Aboriginal Friendship Centre Catchment Areas Across Canada
4. The Economic Development Capacity of Urban Aboriginal Peoples
5. Profiles of Low-Income Risk among Aboriginal Peoples
6. Aboriginal People and Community Well-Being Off-Reserve
7. Aboriginal Youth At Risk: The Role of Education, Mobility, Housing, Employment, and Language as Protective Factors for Problem and Criminal Behaviours
8. Aboriginal Mobility and Migration within Canada’s Friendship Centre Areas: Patterns, Levels, and Implications Based on the 2006 Census
9. Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Labour-Market, Education, and Occupational Distinctions in Friendship Centre and Gap Communities Across Canada
10. Aboriginal Languages within Canada’s Friendship Centre Areas: State, Diversity, Prospects, and Implications, 2006 Census
Notes on Contributors
Preface & Introduction
1. The City as a “Space of Opportunity”: Urban Indigenous Experiences and Community Safety Partnerships
2. Artist-Run Organizations and the Restoration of Indigenous Cultural Sovereignty in Toronto, 1970 to 2010
3. Urban Aboriginal Self-Determination in Toronto
4. Urban Housing and Aboriginal Governance
5. Networks of Advantage: Urban Indigenous Entrepreneurship and the Importance of Social Capital
6. Mitho-Pimatisiwin for the Elderly: The Strength of a Shared Caregiving Approach in Aboriginal Health
7. A Vision of Culturally Responsive Programming for Aboriginal Women in University: An Examination of Aboriginal Women’s Educational Narratives
8. “Only the Silence Remains”: Aboriginal Women as Victims in the Case of the Lower Eastside (Pickton) Murders, Investigative Flaws, and the Aftermath of Violence in Vancouver
9. Using the Seven Sacred Teachings to Improve Services for Aboriginal Mothers Experiencing Drug and Alcohol Misuse Problems and Involvement with Child Welfare
10. Comment les universités peuvent-elles contribuer au mieux-être des Autochtones? Quelques cas d’étudiants et de diplômés universitaires autochtones au Québec
11. Gladue Reports: Reframing Lives
12. Urban Aboriginal People in Toronto: A Summary of the 2011 Toronto Aboriginal Research Project (TARP)
Notes on Contributors and Editors