Launching and Leading a Business - Knowledge, Skills, and Applications

Guest, Hirji, Kilby, Raposo

All-New Print and Digital Resource
Package for Business Studies

Launching and
Leading a Business

Knowledge, Skills, and Applications

All-New, Canadian-authored
print and digital resource package
for Grade 10 Business Studies.

Looking to use the Launching and Leading a Business resource package
in your current or upcoming BEP2O course?

Print textbooks ship in 3-4 days, digital access is immediate!

Click the button below to request a quote!

The world of business is changing…
And it is more interesting than ever!

Engage your students with up-to-date, current, and relevant material.

Launching and Leading a Business is an entirely new, curriculum-based print and online digital resource. It introduces students to the newest developments in the world of business, and it maximizes student engagement through inquiry-based and active learning.

1. The World of Business Today
Exploring the Frontiers of Commerce
2. Invention, Innovation, and IP
Business Creativity and Critical Thinking
3. Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship
The Characteristics of Successful Leaders
4. Production and Manufacturing
Making Products and Providing Services
5. Human Resources Planning
Managing People in the Workplace
6. Business Management Accountability
Leading and Delegating for Success

7. Marketing, Distribution, and Sales
The 2 C’s and 4 P’s of Marketing
8. Accounting for Business Success
The Foundations of Financial Decision-Making
9. Income Management and Budgeting
Penny Wise. Pound Foolish
10. Banks and Financial Institutions
Money Makes the World Go Round
11. Saving, Investing, and Managing Risk
Financial Literacy & Informed Decision-Making
12. Credit, Debt, and Information Privacy
The Real Cost of Borrowing Money

Today, business knowledge is a life skill.

The earlier students acquire these skills, the better.

Launching and Leading a Business underlines the impact of business on students’ everyday lives and empowers them to take charge. This exciting, all-new student resource covers business essentials and the great many new issues businesses are facing today, such as:

  • The information revolution
  • Cloud-based business models
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Social media commerce
  • The knowledge economy
  • Digital currencies
  • Entering the “skilled trades”
  • Financial technology (FinTech)
  • Automation, Robotics, and Artificial intelligence
  • Workplace diversity, equity, inclusion
  • Fair trade /free trade
  • Socially responsible business practices
  • Social and interpersonal skills

What’s more… It’s online

Designed to facilitate teaching and student learning.

Launching and Leading a Business is available in both print and digital formats, so you can adapt your teaching approach to the individual needs and abilities of your students.

Each chapter of the student textbook consists of:

  • “Business Knowledge” extensions (2 per chapter; 24 in total).
  • “21st Century Competencies” features (1 per chapter; 12 in total).
  • “Business Careers” features (1 per chapter; 12 in total).
  • “Spotlights on Canadian Business” features (1 per chapter; 12 in total).
  • “Inside Business” sidebars capture key business issues and ideas (36 of them)
  • “Mini case studies” sidebars highlight intriguing Canadian businesses (36 of them).
  • Key terms are highlighted throughout
  • End-of-chapter questions and activities

Each chapter of the textbook contains 5 sections (60 sections in total). Each section is designed to be delivered as a lesson. At the end of each section are reviews that students can use to self-assess their understanding of the content of the section.

This digital version of the student textbook can be accessed any time, and on any device. All students need is a modern browser and an internet connection. The digital version includes built-in highlighting and note-taking functionality, and it seamlessly integrates with the online classroom and the classroom management tools available through your TeacherHUB.

Component Pricing

Board-wide & multi-year pricing is available! Contact us for more information.

Student Textbook (PRINT FORMAT)

ISBN 978-1-55077-284-5




when your order 25+

  • Hardcover, 512 pages
  • Reinforced Binding
  • 12 Chapters

Student Textbook (DIGITAL FORMAT)

ISBN 978-1-55077-287-6


per credit


when you order 25+

  • Online access to full textbook
  • Highlighting & note taking
  • Student access is managed via TeacherHUB
  • * Requires active TeacherHUB subscription. One credit per student. Non-transferrable.

(Online Subscription)

ISBN 978-1-55077-286-9


per year


for 2+ years

  • Section-by-Section Teacher Materials
  • Activity Centre & Activity Builder
  • Online Classroom Management

Fill out the form below to request a quote!