Graduating Active Students - Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. - Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.


Graduating Active Students: The Accountability Outcome for a Lifetime

Dr. Robert Pangrazi


In this webinar Dr. Robert Pangrazi discusses the importance of graduating physically active and healthy students. Focusing on the school environment, activity promotion and teaching healthy behaviours, Dr. Pangrazi asks, "who is responsible for our children's health?"

Dr. Pangrazi was an ASU professor of physical education for 32 years. His physical education textbooks have sold more than 750, 000 copies. Currently Dr. Pangrazi is a Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University and an Educational Consultant for Gopher Sport and The U.S. Tennis Association.

Part I: The school environment

Taking a look at the school environment, and the need to look beyond physical fitness to solve health problems. (14:27)

Part II: Accountability

Looking at who should be held "accountable” for the lack of physically active kids. (16:48)

Part III: Activity promotion

Focusing on the importance of activity promotion, teaching healthy school behaviours & goal setting vs. athleticism. (11:20)

Lunch n' Learn Discussion Questions

Before watching the webinar, ask yourself these three questions:

  1. Think about your students —how concerned are you about their health and physical fitness?
  2. When you assess your students, how much of an emphasis do you place on skill?
  3. What ways do you measure a student’s health and fitness?

After watching the webinar, ask yourself these three questions:

  1. Do you agree that physical activity and healthy eating behaviours provide better instructional accountability measures?
  2. What are some ways you can incorporate healthy school behaviours into your class lessons?
  3. How successful do you think physical activity homework can be?