
The New Ontario Sex Education Curriculum: What You Need to Know

Dr. Jessica O'Reilly

Webinar Overview

In this three-part webinar, Dr. Jessica O'Reilly will explore the content of the updated Human Development and Sexual Health curriculum, break down the common myths that surround it and discuss strategies for effective delivery.

A Toronto, ON based sexologist, Dr. Jessica O'Reilly is an award-winning speaker, well-known for her hugely successful Marriage as a Business program. Passionate about accessible, classroom-based education, Dr. Jess is also known for volunteering with schools and social services to help young people embrace healthy and happy relationships.

Part I:
Myth busting

Reviewing the myths that surround sexual education, and advocating the positive outcomes studies have shown regarding sexual health education. (15:05)

Part II: The
new curriculum

The changes in the updated Ontario Sex Ed Curriculum, including specificity, inclusivity, science and technology. (12:17)

Part III: Tough topics

Tips on how to tackle tough topics, including providing a question box, diverse perspectives, and dealing with concerned parents. (27:55)

Lunch n' Learn Discussion Questions

Before watching the webinar...

  1. Which topics in Sexual Health Education are you uncomfortable addressing and why?
  2. What issues do you face when dealing with parents who are concerned with the new Sexual Health Education curriculum?
  3. What challenges do you face when presenting sensitive topics to your students?

After watching the webinar...

  1. What strategies did Dr. Jess discuss to help you address sensitive topics with your students?
  2. Dr. Jess introduced a number of different resources available to teachers. Which ones might you incorporate into your Sexual Health Education classes?
  3. Describe some strategies for proactively dealing with parents who might be concerned by the new Sexual Health Education curriculum.