Healthy Active Living (HAL2.0) - Keep fit, stay healthy, have fun

Ted Temertzoglou

Bringing the Curriculum to Life

HAL2.0 helps students make healthy choices

HAL2.0 connects students with course content by being inclusive, and featuring images of real students of all abilities and backgrounds. It helps students understand how leading a healthy, and active lifestyle can positively impact their physical, mental, social and emotional well-being, and empowers them with the knowledge to make healthy decisions that will impact the rest of their lives.

Non-Biased and Evidence-Based

HAL2.0 gives students access to the right information at the right time

HAL2.0 has been completely revised and updated to empower students to take ownership of their learning. Each Chapter Feature Story is designed develop student's living skills by connecting what they're learning to their daily lives. HAL2.0 includes a new chapter on Movement Competence, and addresses important topics covered in the Revised Ontario Health and Physical Education Curriculum (2015), including mental health, physical literacy, and healthy online relationships. It supports Ontario’s Indigenous Education Strategy by incorporating topics such as ‘The 5 Calls to Action’ from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Report, traditional indigenous games and activities, personal stories, and more throughout.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Benefits of Healthy Active Living

1.1 Health and Physical Literacy
1.2 Why Take Health and Physical Education?
1.3 Play Your Position — We All Fit In!
Major Muscles and Bones of the Human Body

Chapter 2: Movement Competence

2.1 Why Movement Matters
2.2 Movement Features and Patterns
2.3 Learning Movement Skills
2.4 Movement Principles
2.5 Game Strategies and Tactics

Chapter 3: Fitness Measurements and Appraisals

3.1 Health-Related and Skill-Related Fitness
3.2 Cardiorespiratory Appraisals
3.3 Muscular Strength and Endurance Appraisals
3.4 Performance-Level Appraisals
3.5 Understanding Body Composition

Chapter 4: Fitness Planning and Injury Prevention

4.1 Setting and Reaching Fitness Goals
4.2 Training Principles
4.3 Designing Your Fitness Program
4.4 Injuries and Injury Prevention
4.5 Exercises for Fitness and Health

Chapter 5: Healthy Eating

5.1 Meeting Your Nutrient and Energy Needs
5.2 Canada's Food Guide and Regulated Food Labelling
5.3 What Influences Our Eating Habits?
5.4 Dietary Trends and Practices
5.5 Developing a Healthy Eating Plan

Chapter 6: Sexual Health, Development, and Safety

6.1 Human Sexuality and Gender Identities
6.2 Healthy Intimate Relationships
6.3 Factors that Influence Sexual Decision-Making
6.4 Developing Your Decision-Making and        Communication Skills
6.5 Safeguarding Your Sexual Health

Chapter 7: Substance Use and Addictive Behaviours

7.1 Factors Influencing Substance Use and Addictive        Behaviours
7.2 Tobacco and Alcohol
7.3 Marijuana and Other Drugs
7.4 Problem Gambling and Other Addictive Behaviours
7.5 Responding to Substance Use and Addictive        Behaviours

Chapter 8: Personal Safety and Emotional Well-Being

8.1 Ensuring Your Personal Safety
8.2 Promoting Positive Mental Health
8.3 Preventing and Responding to Threatening and        Violent Behaviours
8.4 Safe and Healthy Online Relationships
8.5 Conflict Resolution and Anger Management


- ACT High School CPR & AED Student Manual
- Five Recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation    Commission of Canada (A Call to Action)

Built-In Self-Assessment

HAL2.0 helps students take charge of their learning

The print and digital textbooks incorporate inquiry-based and active learning, and help empower students to take charge of their learning experience. Each end of section, and end of chapter review helps students self-assess their understanding of course content, while inquiry questions challenge them to deepen their understanding of important concepts. The digital textbook includes built-in interactive practice quizzes that provide automatic feedback, helping today's busy students study on-the-go.

A Differentiated Approach

HAL2.0 supports all your different learners

The HAL2.0 textbook is available in print and online, so you can differentiate your teaching approach to the individual needs and abilities of your students. Our digital textbooks can be accessed any time and on any device — all students need is an internet connection. They include interactive practice quizzes, highlighting and note-taking, and they seamlessly integrate with your TeacherHUB!


Ted Temertzoglou
Health and Physical Educator

Ted Temertzoglou is a graduate of the University of Toronto and Brock University and is a recognized leader in the physical literacy movement. He is the author of many works in this area and has been welcomed as a keynote speaker across Canada and abroad. He is the 2017 recipient of the R. Tait McKenzie Award, as a Canadian who has made a significant impact on physical education, health education/promotion, recreation, and dance and who has served the profession for more than 20 years.